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The True Islamic Concept of Jihad

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    System of Transliteration
    Glossary of Important Terms
    About the Author
    The True Islamic Concept of Jihad
    Allegations of Abrogating Jihad
    The Promised Messiahas—A Great Mujahid of Islam
    Historical Background of the British Occupation of India
    A Protest Against the Perverted Concept of Jihad
    The Dangers of the Perverted Concept of Jihad
    The Conditions for Fighting With the Sword Are Missing
    The Field of Propagation is Open
    The Concept of Jihad that Contradicts the Holy Qur’an
    The Duplicity of the Scholars
    Prohibition of Fighting the British Under Islamic Law
    Muslim Leaders Were Faithful to the British
    Fatwa About India being the Land of Peace
    Preaching Is Jihad
    It is Forbidden to Disrupt a Just Government
    No Trace of Duplicity or Hypocrisy in Ahmadiyyat
    The Promised Messiahas Raised the Banner of True Jihad Against Christianity
    Acclaim For the Valorous Jihad of the Promised Messiahas
    Two Sides of the Coin—Duplicity of Maududiyyat
    More Misconceptions of Jihad
    The Revolution Brought by the Prayers of the Holy Prophetsa
    The Fruits of Maududiyyat
    Maududi’s Concept of Jihad Far Removed From Islam

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