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The Magnificent Services of The Just Imam, The Promised Messiah

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Title Page 2
    Table of Contents
    About the Author
    Magnificent Services of the Just Imam, the Promised Messiah(as), to Reform the Mutual Controversies and Distorted Beliefs of the Muslims
    The Fate of Those Who Follow the Wrong Path
    A Cardinal Objective of the Mahdi of the Latter Days
    Deception of the Government Booklet
    A Pack of Lies
    An Established Way of Eloquent Speech
    The Right Way to Search for Truth
    Exaggerated Status of Hadrat ‘Ali(ra) According to Some Shias
    Barelwis’ Paganistic Views
    Fallacious Beliefs of Deobandis
    Absurd Concept About Angels
    Corrupted Views About the Holy Quran
    Quranic Teaching in the Eyes of Some Scholars
    An Interesting Example of Maududi’s Commentary
    Piety of the Prophets in the Eyes of Ahmadiyyat
    Accusation of Apostasy on Hadrat Adam(as)
    Hadrat Idris(as) Accused of Entering Paradise with a Clever Move
    The Character of Hadrat Lut(as) Defiled
    A Ridiculous Accusation Against Hadrat Dawud(as)
    False Accusations Against the Prince of Chastity and Modesty
    Fabrications About Hadrat Sulaiman(as)
    Ghastly Accusations Against the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa)
    Grim Impertinences Against the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa)
    Offences Against the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa) by the So-Called Upholders of the Unity of God
    False Propaganda Exposed
    Grand Status of the Promised Messiah(as)
    Glossary of Important Terms

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