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Hazrat Ahmad

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Ahmad—The Promised Messiah
    The Family
    Birth and Childhood
    Early Education
    Post-Scholastic Period
    Resignation of Appointment
    Remembrance of God in the Midst of Wordly Duties
    Industrious Life
    His Father’s Death
    Holy Exercises
    His Self-Abnegation
    His Coming to Public Notice
    Continous Revelations
    The Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya
    His Brother’s Death
    An Eminent Disciple
    The Oath of Discipleship
    The Promised Messiah
    Journeys and Controversies
    A Debate With the Christians
    A Curious Episode
    Promoting Friday Prayer Services
    Conference of Religions
    A Challenge
    Prophecy About Lekh Ram
    Turkish Consul at Qadian
    Ahmad and Dr. Henry Martin Clarke
    A Proposal of Peace
    A Great Service to the Cause of Public Peace
    The Promised Messiah’s Suggested Remedy for Public Disorder in India
    Talim-ul-Islam — A High School
    Ahmadies Formed into District Community
    The Review of Religions
    An Inspired Sermon
    Teaching Arabic
    Foundation Laid of the Minar of the Ancient Prophecy
    The Beginning of Success
    A Martyr of the New Movement
    Harassment in Court and Ultimate Vindication
    A Journey to Lahore
    Journey to Sialkot
    Death of Maulvi Abdul Karim
    Second Visit to Delhi
    Visit to Ludhiana and Amritsar
    The Sadar Anjuman
    Political Agitation
    Samaj Conference
    Financial Commissioner at Qadian
    Last Visit to Lahore
    An Address to the Wealthy
    The Message of Peace

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