Minorities in an Islamic State

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Foreword to the Present Edition
    Publishers’ Note
    The Meccans and the Advent of the Prophet(sa)
    The Result of Persecution
    Prophet’s(sa) Greatness
    The Institution of Dhimmiyyat
    Equality between the Muslims and the non-Muslims
    Dhimmis—an Honourable Title
    The Holy Prophet’s(sa) Sociological Relations with the Non-Muslims
    Protection of the Rights of Dhimmis
    Justice by Muslims
    Treatment of Dhimmis by the Muslims
    The Basic Necessities of Dhimmis—a Government Responsibility
    Non-Muslim’s Participation in Administration
    Equality Before Law
    Jizyah—Not a Religious Tax
    Charters of Human Equality
    An amazing prophecy about the downfall of Muslims
    The so-called Juridical Rules about the Dhimmis
    The alleged utility of Juridical stipulations about Dhimmis
    Are these restrictions based on any clear Islamic Injunctions?
    Right of Freedom of Expression in Islam
    Islam Guarantees Freedom of Expression

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