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The Truth Revealed

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Publisher’s Note
    A Narrative of the Help Received by the Christian Clergy Regarding Certain Theological Matters from Shaikh Muhammad Hussain Batalwi Sahib’s Isha’atus-Sunnah
    A General Notice
    The Removal of a Misgiving Harboured by Dr. Martyn Clarke
    A Loving Letter Written to me by an Arab Scholar
    My Response to this Heartfelt Correspondence
    An Arab Scholar’s Letter from Mecca
    An Excerpt from a Letter Written by an Arab Scholar, Sayyed Ali, Son of Sharif Mustafa
    A Promise by Mr Abdullah Atham, Representative of Dr. Martyn Clarke and the Christians, to Accept Islam if he is Defeated
    A Copy of the Letter Written by Mr. Abdullah Atham on 9 May 1893 from Amritsar
    A Mubahalah Invitation in Response to the Announcement Published by Abdul Haq Ghaznavi

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