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The Supreme Plan for the Universal Regeneration of Islam

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    About the Author
    The Supreme Plan for the Universal Regeneration of Islam
    A Strange Allegation in the So-Called White Paper
    Height of Slander and Mockery
    The Mullah Devoid of Understanding the Holy Qur’an
    A Great Qur’anic Similitude made a Target of Ridicule
    Religious Persecution Under the Shadow of Dictatorship
    Deep Points of Wisdom Given by the Saints of the Ummah
    A Deceitful Calumny in the So-Called White Paper
    Martyrdom of Major Mahmud Ahmad
    Ahmadiyyat—It’s Goal
    The World-wide Supremacy of Ahmadiyyat
    An Adversary of Ahmadiyyat—An Ally of the Christians
    The Heavenly Design Will Break The Machinations of the Antichrist into Pieces
    A Grand Plan for Spiritual Conquest of the World
    Glossary of Important Terms

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