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Some Hidden Pearls

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Introductory Remarks
    Significance of the Name of Durr-i-Maknum
    God’s Promise That Hazrat Ahmad’s Movement Would Dominate the World
    Ahmad Was Fearless When Facing the World But Perfectly Humble Before God
    It Is Through Spiritual Means and Mighty Signs That His Dominance Will Come
    His Call To His Followers: Forego Wordly Comforts and Revive Islam Through Supreme Sacrifices
    His Impact On His Followers: Sahibzada Syed Abdul Latif Gives His Life to Uphold the Truth
    Reason Without Revelation Inadequate to Create Perfect Conviction in the Unity of God
    Devotion to the One God and the Holy Prophet: Two Prime Movers of Ahmad’s Life
    True Knowledge of the Unity of God Bequeathed by the Holy Prophet Alone
    The Holy Quran is the Revealer of the Face of God and An In-Exhaustible Source of Spiritual Knowledge
    Revelation Has Not Ceased to Descend After the Holy Prophet Muhammad
    Outpourings of Ahmad’s Soul in Praise of God and the Holy Prophet
    Ahmad’s Sympathy Extended Even to His Enemies
    A Word Of Advice to His Followers
    His Teaching: Evil Must Be Destroyed But the Evil-Doer Must be Saved
    An Incident Showing His Hospitality and Consideration For Others
    A Word of Advice to the Rabwah Guest House Staff
    Ahmad’s Solicitude For the Feelings of the Poor
    A Word of Advice to His Followers
    His Jealous Regard For the Honour of the Word of God
    Ahmad Never Stooped to the Flattery of the British—Refutation of a Baseless Charge
    Politics Was Not His Vocation
    His Fearless Condemnation of Christianity
    His Loyalty to the Government Was a Matter of Principle
    The Inherent Awe and Dignity Vested by Allah in Ahmad
    Miracle is Wrought by God Alone, a Prophet Is No More Than an Instrument
    Iqtadari Miracles—The Splitting of the Moon and the Battle of Badr
    Ahmad on Iqtadari Miracles
    Iqtadari Miracles and the Laws of Nature
    Powers of God Are Limitless
    The Great Conference of Religions in Lahore
    Ahamd’s Treatise For the Conference: His Prophecy About It’s Surpassing Excellence; Its Effect On the Audience
    Divine Succour Invoked by Ahmad On Its Every Line; The Need For It’s Wider Circulation
    His Command Over the Arabic Tongue—A Gift of God and A Sign of His Truth
    The Ulama Fail to Match His Efficiency in Arabic
    Allama Niaz Fatehpuri On His Unparalleled Excellence in Arabic
    A Call to the Arab World
    Ahamd’s Intellectual Miracles In Unison With the Requirements of the Present Age
    Through Ahmad the West Will Eventually Join Islam—Prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
    Seed For Islamization of the West Laid by Ahmad
    Ahmad On The Future Of His Movement
    Khutba Ilhamia: His Extempore Arabic Address, A Sign Of His Miraculous Command Over the Language
    Special Divine Help Descended To Remove Ahmad’s Difficulties
    Signs Are Shown Only When An Occasion Requires Them
    Ahmad’s Impact On His Followers: Munshi Zafar Ahmad Sees The Holy Prophet In His Dreams
    Ahmad’s Convincing Powers
    His Advice To Those Desirous of Joining His Movement
    The Two Objects of the Present Tallk
    Ahmad Permitted to Interceed—A Virtually Dead Man Called Back to Life
    Difference Between Shaffa’at (Intercession) and Prayer
    Allah Has the Power to Change His Own Decrees
    Great Efficacy of Ahmad’s Prayers—A Barren Woman is Blessed With a Child
    Ahmad’s Prayers For His Children
    His Last Will—His Followers Should Live Up To It

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