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Selected Persian Poems of the Promised Messiah (as)

Persian with English Translation

Table of Contents

    Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian
    About the Promised Messiah
    Publisher’s Note
    Homage to our Eternal and Immutable Creator
    Heartfelt Praise the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)
    Pain for Seekers of Truth
    Yearning for the Beloved
    Invitation to Study Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya
    Appeal for Truthful Consideration
    Curse be upon the Dishonest Critics
    Sever all other Ties for the Sake of Allah
    Worthlessness of Worldly Life
    Grandeur of Furqan (The Holy Quran)
    The Evil of Defective Reasoning
    Liberation from Defective Reason
    Abandon Self-Conceit to Attain Divine Blessings
    Holy Word of the Peerless God
    Majesty of the Word of God
    Holy Quran—The Treasure of Beauty
    The Light of Furqan
    Recognition of Divine Favours
    Blind Intellect
    No Beloved like my Beloved
    Perfect Humility
    Holy Tree of Furqan
    Pangs for Divine Communion
    Grace and Blessings of God
    Begging for Allah’s Mercy
    Beseeching God’s Mercy for the True Faith
    The State of Islam
    An Appeal to Sayyed Ahmad Khan
    Plea to Nature Worshippers
    Witnessing the Beloved Lord
    Repentance and Reformation
    True Bounty
    Blessings of the Noble End of Life
    Grace of the Almighty
    Devotion for God’s Honour
    Woe upon Liars and Evil-doers
    Grace of God upon Seekers
    Descent of ‘Isa
    Blessings of Sincerity
    My Inner Secrets
    Love and Sincerity
    How to Seek the Beloved
    Countenance of the Beloved
    Light of Muhammad (sa)
    The Name Ibn-e-Maryam
    Captivating Beauty of Our Lord
    Designation as Ibn-e-Maryam
    Help of God is with Us
    Devotion of the Truthful

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