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Scattered Pearls

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Introductory Remarks
    Scattered Pearls With An Inner Connecting Link
    Ahmad Resembled Muhammad More Than He Resembled Jesus
    Complete and Uncompromising Faith In His Divine Mission
    Loved and Respected All Prophets
    Extraordinary Love For the Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, and His Descendants
    Love For the Mojaddids And Other Saintly Persons of the Ummat
    Extraordinary Patience and Steadfastness of Purpose
    Lesson For The Youth of the Jama’at
    Ardent Obedience to the Behests and Preferences of the Holy Prophet
    Life Entirely Free Of the Element of Takalluf and Show
    Hospitallity and Love For Guests
    Maulana Abu Nasr’s Interesting Observations on Ahmad’s Personality
    Sahibzada Syed Abdul Latif’s Visit to Qadian—Stoned to Death For Believing in Ahmad
    Estsblishment of the Unity of God Was Ahamd’s Life Mission
    Controversy Over The Death of Jesus Subsequent to His Escape From the Crucifixion
    Absorbing Interest in the Spread of Islam in Europe and Other Christian Countries
    Prophecy About the Early Acceptance of Islam by the Christian World
    Ahmad’s Life Mission: a: Establishment of Pure Contact with God, b: Peace and Fellow Feeling Among the Nations of the World
    A Drop Swells Into a River, and A Dust Particle Rises to the Heights of the Pleidas
    Wonderful Divine Help In The Kapurthala
    A Case of Hydrophobia Miraculously Cured Through Prayer
    The Philosophy of Miracles Explained
    Extraordinary Sympathy Even Wth His Enemies
    Aryasamajists of Qadian Destroyed by Plague
    Final Supremacy and World Dominance of Islam and Ahmadiyyat
    Lord Krishna and Baba Nanak as Divine Reformers
    Brotherly Feeling Towards All
    Mr. Walter’s Visit to Qadian, and His Impressions About Ahmad’s Personality—No Impostor
    Belief at First Sight
    To See Light, The Sun and the Eyes Are Both Needed
    Hypnotism of No Effect Against Ahmad
    Hypnotism Is Not a Spiritual Force
    Contact With Suffee Ahmad Jan of Ludhiana
    Majesty and Beauty in Divine Plan
    Love Was the Basic Philosophy of Hazrat Ahmad
    Allah’s Powers Are Endless and Innumerable
    Fire Cooled on Abraham; It Would Likewise Cool on Ahmad
    Prophets of God Are Not Conjurers
    Prepared to Put On Bangles of Iron For the Cause of God
    God Protects His Chosen One’s From Disgrace
    Faqr and Emptiness of Pocket A Source of Happiness for Ahmad
    Ahmad Met God Empty Handed, But Full of Love and Hope
    Prayer Possesses Wonderful Powers
    Baitul Do’aa—A House of Victory
    Extreme Humbleness of Spirit, and Trust in Allah’s Help Alone
    Philosophy of Prayer Explained—Steadfastness and Belief in the Unlimited Power of God the Main Conditions
    An Upward Climb to An Eminence of Utmost Glory Awaits the Followers of Muhammad

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