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Real Revolution

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Publisher's Note
    The Real Revolution
    Basic Principles of Corporate or National Life
    Need for a Message
    The Criterion for a Divine Mission
    The Two Ways of Reform: War and Peace
    Some other Names for a Revolution
    Five Major Secular Movements
    Basis of Roman Civilization: Law and Human Rights
    Message of the Iranian Civilization: Morality and Politics
    Basis of the Babylonian Civilization: Mathematics and Astronomy
    Message of the Western Civilization: Materialism and Nationalism
    Further Discussion of the Five Types
    Traces of the Babylonian Civilization in the Holy Quran
    Babylonian culture as mentioned in other sacred scriptures
    Philosophy of the Western Culture
    Difference between the Roman and Modern Western Civilizations
    Causes of Success
    In the religous sphere also real success comes only from revolution
    Aim in raising prophets
    Ways in which religous revolutions come
    Duration of a Religous Dispensation
    Meaning of Al-Saa'ah
    Meaning of Iqtiraabus Saa-ah
    Meaning of "Aflaak" in the Old Testament
    The Word 'Qiyaamah' used in the Holy Quran for the Promised Messiah
    Two Signs of the 'Qiyaamat-al-Kubra' (The Bigger Day of Judgement)
    The Creation of a New Heaven and Earth in the Time of Every Prophet
    A Vision (Kashf) of the Promised Messiah
    Main Eras of Religous Movements: Message of the Era of Adam
    Creation of Man on the Basis of a Permanent Evolution
    Basis of the Point Raised by the Angels
    Basis of Civilization
    Advantages of Civilized Life under a Settled Government
    Second Era: Movement of Noah
    Message of the Second Era: Revelation of 'Shariah'
    Third Era: Abraham's Movement
    Message of Abraham's Movement
    Perfection of Humanity through Abraham
    Abraham the Founder of a Perfect Civilization
    The Era of Moses & Its Message
    First Point of the Mosaic Revolution: Perfect Law
    Message of the Christian Era: Regeneration of the Shariah
    Message of the Era of Muhammad: Completion of the Shariah
    The Qualities of Moses
    The Qualities of Jesus
    Combination of the Excellences of all the Prophets
    Meaning of "Today I Have Completed foryou Your Religion"
    What is Ni'mat (Favour)
    Temporal Power Necessary for some Religions
    The Great Revolution Brought by Islam
    Superiority of the Islamic Teaching
    Rational Basis
    Middle Course
    Direct Relationship Between God and Man
    Place of Worship Extended
    Revelation in Specific Words
    Fullest Exposition of Divine Attributes
    Full Light on Metaphysical Questions
    Establishment of a Shar'ee Terminology
    Comprehensive Teaching
    Religion Based on Observation
    Basis of International Unity
    Extent of the mission of Jesus
    The Islamic Revolution
    Basis of similarities between Islam and other Religions
    The Principles of Western Philosophy
    Revolution of the Seventh Era: Revival of the Islamic Teaching
    Mission of the Second advent
    Means for bringing about this Dominance
    Revelations of the Promised Messiah Bearing on this Real Revolution
    Success of Ahmadiyyat in the field of Doctrine
    The Triumph of Ahmadiyyat and the Field of Action
    Our Part in Bringing about the Real Revolution
    Role of the Promised Messiah in bringing about this Revolution
    The Aim of Tahrik-I-Jadid
    Responsiblity of the Ahmadiyya Community
    Islamic Teaching in the Social Sphere
    Ways For the Establishment of the Islamic Civilization
    Revival of Shariah: Two Parts
    Demand from members of the Movement
    Three Rights of Women
    Service of Humanity
    Department of Justice
    Difficulties in the Way
    Advice to Friends

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