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The Truth about the Alleged Punishment for Apostasy in Islam

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    About The Author
    Table of Contents
    Islam Faces Danger From Within and Outside
    A Terrible Conspiracy Against the Islamic World
    Defining the Terms "Muslim" and "Apostate"
    Dissent Among the Ulema on the Definition of a "Muslim"
    The Definition of a Muslim According to the Holy Prophet(sa)
    Lame Excuse by the Ulema
    A Definiton Concocted by the Ulema
    The Definition Concocted By Maulana Maududi
    Defining Apostasy
    A Great Subtlety in the Wisdom of God
    Nobody Has The Right To Call Anyone A 'Kafir'
    The Holy Qur'an's Verdict on the Idea of Capital Punishment For an Apostate
    Analysis of the Self-Styled "Quranic Arguements" Put Forward By the Ulema
    First Arguement of Ulema
    Ulema's Second Arguement
    The Third Arguement by the Ulema
    The Fourth Arguement by the Ulema
    The Holy Qur'an's Stand Concerning Apostates
    The View of Death Penalty For Apostasy in the Light of Ahadith
    Ahadith Adopted By The Supporters of Death Penalty For Apostasy
    The Siddiqi Era and Apostasy
    The Reality of the So-Called 'Siddiqi Sunna'
    Historical Verification of the Revolt by the Apostates
    Strange Point Worth Noting
    The Killing of a Female Apostate
    A Traditon From the Faruqi Era
    The Methodology To Measure Soundness of Narrations
    The Apostate Was a Fighter
    A Tradition of the Ali(ra) Era
    Investigation of the Tradition
    The Narration is a Kharji
    Textual Testimony
    Figurative Meaning of "Qatl" (Killing) In Lexicons
    The Ahadith That Refute the Death Penalty For Apostasy
    Early Ulema and the Concept of Apostasy
    The Claim of Ijma is Incorrect
    Opinions of the Present Day Ulema
    Is Maulana Maududi Serious?
    The Objectives of the Mullahs
    Old Ways
    An Important Excerpt
    Maududi's Rigidity
    Apostasy and the History of the Prophets(as)
    The Beliefs of the Enemies of the Prophets(as)
    Hadrat Nuh(as) Was Accused of Becoming an Apostate
    Verdict of Apostasy Against Hadrat Ibrahim(as)
    Hadrat Salih(as) Was Called An Apostate
    The Calumniation of Apostasy on Hadrat Shu'aib(as)
    Allegation Against Hadrat Musa(as) By The Nation of the Pharaoh
    Reasoning of the Government of Pakistan
    The Revelation of the Promised Messiah(as)
    My Reply
    The Allegation of Apostasy Against the Chief of Prophets(as)
    You Are Devoid of Shame!
    The Question is
    The Times Have Changed
    The Miracle of Holy Prophet's(sa) Prayer

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