Precious Pearls

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Translator’s Note
    Precious Pearls
    Help of God - Nusrate Ilahi
    Invitation to Ponder - Da’wate Fikr
    Beneficence of the Glorious Quran - Fazail Quran Majeed
    Addressing the Christians - ‘Isaiyon se Khitaab
    Excellences of the Glorious Quran - Ausafe Quran Majeed
    Praise to the Lord of the Worlds - Hamd Rabul-Aalameen
    The Fleeting World - Sarai Khaam
    The Vedas - Vaid
    Death of Jesus of Nazareth - Wafaat Masih Naasri
    The Signs of Near Ones - ‘Alaamat-al-Muqarrabeen
    A Plea to God Almighty - Qdir Mutlaq ke Hazoor
    Love With Islam and Its Founder - Islam aur Banie Islam se Ishq
    The Cloak of Baba Nanak - Chola Baba Nanak
    The Fruit Truth - Taseere Sadaqat
    Mahmood’s Ameen - Mahmood ki Ameen
    Gratitude in the Words of Amman Jaan - Shukr wa Dua ba Zubaan Hadhrat Amma Jaan
    The Mother of All Books - Ummul Kitaab
    Knowledge of God - Ma’arfate Haq
    Ameen of Basheer Ahmad - Basheer Ahmad, Sharif Ahmad aur Mubaraka ki Ameen
    The Status of Ahmad of Arabia - Shaane Ahmad ‘Arabi(saw)
    Spreading of Faith by Sword Is Forbidden - Isha’ate Deen Bazore Shamsheer Haraam Hai
    Attachment With God - Ta’allaq Billah
    The Fervour For Truth - Joshe Sadaqat
    The Breeze of Invitation - Naseeme Da'wat
    Invitation to Truth for the Aryas - Ariyon ko Da’wate Haq
    Prophecy of a Great Earthquake - Paishgoi Zalzalai ‘Azeema
    Warnings - Anzaar
    The Aryas of Qadian - Qadian ke Arya
    The Glory of Islam - Shaane Islam
    Addressing the Aryas - Ariyon se Khitaab
    Appeal to the Honour of the Muslims - Ghairate Islami ko Apeel
    Repentance - Tauba se ‘Azaab Tal Jata Hai
    God Loves Humility - Allah Ta’ala ko Khaksaari Pasand hai
    Completion of Convincing Proof - Atmaame Hujjat
    Warnings and Glad Tidings - Anzaar wa Tabsheer
    Epitaph on the Grave of Mirza Mubarak Ahmad - Lauhe Mizar Mirza Mubarak Ahmad
    Virtues of the Noble Quran - Mahasane Quran Kareem
    Hymns and Preaching of Truth - Munajaat aur Tableeghe Haq
    A Lesson in Unity - Darse Tawheed
    Prophecy of a Great War - Paishgoi Jange ‘Azeem
    Avoid Distrust - Bad Zani se Bacho
    Riddance From Difficulties - Hajoome Mushkalat se Nijaat Hasil Karne ka Tariqa
    Miscellanous Verses - Mutafaraq Ash’ar
    Revealed Verses - Ilhami Ash’ar
    Revealed Lines - Ilhami Misre

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