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The Outset of Dissension in Islam

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    Author Page
    About the Author
    Necessity of Being Familiar with Islamic History
    Importance of the Subject
    Magnificent Past of Islam
    First Devotees of Islam: Hadrat Uthman(ra) & Hadrat Ali(ra)
    False Narrations of Non-Muslims Historians
    Companions Were Not The Real Cause of the Disorders in Islam
    Why Dissension Emerged in the Era of the Third Khalifah?
    An Introduction to Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Status of Hadrat Uthman(ra) in the Eyes of the Holy Prophet(sa)
    What Gave Rise to the Conflict?
    Four Reasons For Conflict
    The Islamic Khilafat Was A Religous Administration
    Thinking Ill of the Companions is Without Reason
    Why Did Conflict Arise in the Era of Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Appointment of Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari(ra) as the Governor of Kufah
    Conspiracies of the Rebels Exposed
    Obedience to the Ruler of the Time is Necessary
    Another Conspiracy of the Mischief-Makers
    The Conspiracy Exposed
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Summons the Mischief-Makers
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Clears Himself of All Charges
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Shows Mercy Towards the Mischief-Makers
    Another Grave Conspiracy by the Mischief-Makers
    Arrival of the Mischief-Makers in Madinah
    The Rebels of Egypt Approach Hadrat Ali(ra)
    The Rebels of Kufah Approach Hadrat Zubair(ra)
    The Rebels of Basrah Approach Hadrat Talhah(ra)
    Appointment of Muhammad Bin Abi Bakr As the Governor of Egypt
    Reality Behind Conflicting Narrations
    A Golden Principle For the Verification of History
    Exoneration of Hadrat Uthman(ra) & the Other Companions
    The Rebels Enter Madinah Again
    The People of Madinah Advise the Rebels
    The Rebels Take Control of Madinah
    The Most Prominent Companions Ask the Rebels the Reason For Their Return
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Clears Himself of the Allegations Levelled by the Rebels
    Reality Behind the Rebel Scheme
    Seven Arguements In Support of the 'Letter Conspiracy'
    Cruelties of the Rebels Upon the People of Madinah
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Admonishes the Rebels
    The Rebels Break the Staff of the Holy Prophet(sa)
    The Rebels Pelt Stones At Masjid-e-Nabawi and Injure Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Willingness of the Companions to Fight the Rebels
    Three Major Supporters of the Rebels in Madinah
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Is Asked to Step Down From Khilafat
    The House of Hadrat Uthman(ra) Besieged
    Hadrat Ali(ra) Admonishes the Besiegers
    Treatment of the Rebels Towards Hadrat Ummi Habibah(ra)
    An Example of the Religous Indignation of Hadrat Ummi Habibah(ra)
    Hadrat A'ishah(ra) Prepares For Hajj
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Sends a Circular to the Provincial Governors
    A Letter to the Pilgrims From Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    The Rebels Pelt Stones At the House of Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Worthy Efforts of the Companions In Suppressing the Disorder
    The Rebels Attack the House of Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Hadrat Uthman(ra) Orders the Companions
    Anxiety of the Rebels Upon the Return of the Pilgrims
    The Companions Fight the Rebels
    Abdullah(ra) Bin Salam Admonishes the Rebels
    The Rebels Assassinate Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Events Leading Up to the Martyrdom of Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    The Rebels Loot Baitul-Mal
    Outrage of the Companions at the Martyrdom of Hadrat Uthman(ra)
    Summary & Outcome of the Events Described
    An Important Note
    Back Cover Page

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