Odyssey of Sacrifice

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    A letter from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba)
    Author’s Note
    A message from Sadr MKA USA
    A message from MKA USA Tehrik-e-Jadid Department
    Concept of Sacrifice
    Exemplary Sacrifices of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa)
    Sacrifices of Sahaba (ra)
    Sacrifices of Imam Mahdi (as)
    Sacrifices of Sahaba (ra) of Hazrat Ahmad (as)
    Sacrifices of pioneer “Mujahideen” in time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra)
    Initiation of the Newspaper Al-Fadl and the great sacrifice of Hadrat Mahmooda Begum, wife of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra)
    Allah will definitely build a house for that poor woman
    Establishment of the scheme for Translation of the Holy Quran
    Name of those who donated for the translation of the Holy Quran
    Masjid Fazal London
    Mosque Fund
    Establishment of the first Ahmadiyya Press in Sierra Leone. A great milestone for Tehrik-e-Jadid and a beautiful tale of sacrifice in the words of the founder of Tehrik-e-Jadid
    The threat of the closure of the mission and the Jama’at’s reaction: a new era of sacrifice
    A unique fruit of Tehrik-e-Jadid – being blessed with progeny
    “Threaten me not with fire, for fire is my servant and indeed the servant of my servants”
    Financial sacrifices for building mosques under the Tehrik-e-Jadid scheme
    Increase in Tehrik-e-Jadid pledge by one-and-a-half fold due to the efforts of Waqifate Nau girls
    Extraordinary increase in the pledge – great sacrifice of a devoted Pakistani
    The donor himself feels the effects of deficiency in the pledge
    If you are grateful, I will, surely, bestow more favors on you
    Sacrifice of savings for wedding for the donation of Tehrik-e-Jadid
    Next year’s chanda paid in the current year and Allah returned the exact amount
    A large parcel of land granted for a cemetery
    Donation of women of their beloved and valuable assets in the way of Allah
    Appeal for Asylum was accepted due to the blessings of Tehrik-e-Jadid
    The blessings of financial sacrifice prevent a fatal accident
    The blessings of chanda turn a drought into rain
    Blessings of presenting a chicken in the way of Allah
    An interesting story of sacrifice in the name of Allah and belief in prayer
    A devoted member’s extraordinary increase in Tehrik-e-Jadid pledge and Hadrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba)’s comments
    Numerous extremely faith-inspiring incidents of financial sacrifice

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