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The Nazarene Kashmiri Christ

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    Is Jesus Christ still alive or did he die?
    What is the meaning of (Al-Nisa Verse 158)?
    Does the Bible support the doubt of the death of Christ?
    So far, it is a question of doubt. Is there any other proof of the life of Jesus after crucifixion?
    If Jesus Christ was alive then there must have been someone who had seen him?
    Please explain the meaning of (Al-Nisa Verse 159)?
    Can you quote any tradition of the Holy Prophet(saw) in support of your answer?
    In this verse what is meant by ilaih?
    Is there any verse in the Holy Quran that definitely proves the death of Jesus Christ?
    The word Nuzul is mentioned in the traditions of the Holy Prophet(saw) in connection with the coming of Jesus Christ. Could you please explain what it means?
    Did anyone witness the burial of Jesus Christ, or see his dead body? What do the Quran and history say about it?
    If there is no trace of his tomb in Palestine, the scene of his early missionary activities, where then did he go and live and die after the event of crucifixion?
    Does any tomb of that period exist in that area? And is any prophet buried in that tomb?
    Are there any traces of Christianity in Kashmir today?
    Map of Probable route of Jesus(on whom be peace) during his travels to India

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