Mirror of Charm and Beauty

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad
    Significance of the Claims of The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement To Be the Promised Messiah and Mehdi
    The Mission of the Promised Messiah Is Peaceful
    Achievements of the Missionary Organisation Raised By the Ahmadiyya Movement
    A Short Note On the Promised Messiah And the Opposition His Claim Evoked
    The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement Came With a Jamali Manifestation
    Attitude of Justice and Fairplay Exhibited By the Promised Messiah For His Enemies
    Promised Messiah’s Graciousness and Mercy For His Opponents
    Promised Messiah’s Prophecy Regarding the Migration of Ahmadis From Qadian and Their Eventual Return To It
    Painful Maladies Healed By the Prayers of the Promised Messiah
    Promised Messiah’s Kind and Considerate Treatment of His Relations
    The Promised Messiah Visits Delhi and Is Offered Severe Opposition
    Bad Health of the Writer, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad
    Some Iqtadari Miracles Wrought by the Promised Messiah
    Promised Messiah’s Love of God
    The Spirit of Devotion Shown By Some Followers Of the Promised Messiah
    Regard Shown By the Promised Messiah For the Education of His Followers
    Two Great Missions of the Promised Messiah: Revival of Islam and Refutation of Christianity

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