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Life of Ahmad

Other Authors

Table of Contents

    TItle Page
    About the Author
    Publisher’s Note
    Foreword to the Present Edition
    Chapter 1 - The Mighty Hour
    Chapter 2 - Ahmad’s (as) Forefathers
    Chapter 3 - World Preparations
    Chapter 4 - Birth and Childhood
    Chapter 5 - Early Life
    Chapter 6 - After His Father’s Death
    Chapter 7 - He Stakes His All For Islam
    Chapter 8 - Showing Heavenly Signs
    Chapter 9 - Masjid Mubarak
    Chapter 10 - The Red Drops
    Chapter 11 - Visits Ludhiana & Sanaur
    Chapter 12 - Marriage
    Chapter 13 - At Hoshiarpur
    Chapter 14 - Addresses The Arya Samaj
    Chapter 15 - Christians Take Up Arms
    Chapter 16 - Suspicions of Co-Religionists
    Chapter 17 - Commanded to Take Bai’at
    Chapter 18 - Birth of Fadl-e-Umar (ra(
    Chapter 19 - Bai’at at Ludhiana
    Chapter 20 - Visit to Aligarh
    Chapter 21 - Claims to be The Messiah
    Chapter 22 - Anger of Mullahs
    Chapter 23 - The Pharisee of Batala
    Chapter 24 - Preaches Unto East and West
    Chapter 25 - Chief Scribe of Delhi
    Chapter 26 - Jesus (as) Is Dead
    Chapter 27 - First Ahmadiyya Conference
    Chapter 28 - Christ-Like Journeyings
    Chapter 29 - Domestic Incidents
    Chapter 30 - Heavenly Testimony
    Chapter 31 - Victoria Invited to Islam
    Chapter 32 - The Essense of Islam
    Chapter 33 - Second Annual Gathering
    Chapter 34 - Anxious to Save His Enemy
    Chapter 35 - Mubahala With Abdul Haq
    Chapter 36 - Sir Sayyid Corrected
    Chapter 37 - Debate With Athim
    Chapter 38 - Literary Miracle
    Chapter 39 - Christian Vituperation
    Chapter 40 - Sun and Moon Darkened
    Chapter 41 - Prophecy About Athim
    Chapter 42 - His Enemy Dies Childless
    Chapter 43 - Ahmad (as) Never Wished Ill
    Chapter 44 - Mother of All Languages
    Chapter 45 - Arya Samaj Exposed
    Chapter 46 - Guru Nanak Was a Muslim
    Chapter 47 - Regulation of Controversies
    Chapter 48 - Conference of Religions
    Chapter 49 - Memorial For Friday Holiday
    Chapter 50 - Letter to the Amir
    Chapter 51 - End of Athim
    Chapter 52 - Pleadings With Scribes
    Chapter 53 - A New Heaven and A New Earth
    Chapter 54 - Pt. Lekhram’s Death
    Chapter 55 - Turkish Consul Visits Qadian
    Chapter 56 - Jubilee of Queen Victoria
    Chapter 57 - Dr. Clark Drags Him Into Court
    Chapter 58 - Growth of the Movement
    Chapter 59 - Righteous Indignation
    Chapter 60 - Elevation of Religious Discussion
    Chapter 61 - Plague
    Chapter 62 - Income Tax Case
    Chapter 63 - Listen, O Earth!
    Chapter 64 - Police Harass Ahmad (as)
    Chapter 65 - Jesus (as) in India
    Chapter 66 - Addresses Rulers and the Ruled
    Chapter 67 - The Wall
    Chapter 68 - A Citizen of the Empire
    Chapter 69 - A Sermon Revealed
    Chapter 70 - Bishop of Lahore and Islam
    Chapter 71 - Jihad
    Chapter 72 - The White Minaret
    Chapter 73 - A False Moses
    Chapter 74 - A Seperate Community
    Chapter 75 - Miracle of the Messiah (as)
    Chapter 76 - Qadian in 1901
    Chapter 77 - Removes a Misconception
    Appendix I
    Appendix II
    Back Cover

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