The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets (sa) - Volume II

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    About the Author
    Publishers’ Note
    Preface - Volume II
    Map of Arabia
    I - Early Establishment of Madinah and Foundation of the Islamic Government
    II - Commencement of Jihad by the Sword and Fundamental Discussion on Jihād
    III - Early Battles, Commencement of Fasting, Alteration of the Qiblah and Initial Discussion on the Battle of Badr
    IV - Battle of Badr, Establishment of the Islamic Empire and Destruction of the Chieftains of the Quraish
    V - Conduct of the Holy Prophet (sa) with Slaves and His Teachings on the Issue of Slavery
    VI - Rukhsatanah of Hadrat ‘A’ishah (ra) and an Exposition of Her Age at the Time, the Issue of Polygamy and Two Fabricated Incidents
    VII - Commencement of War with the Tribes of Najd and the Jews, the Marriage of Hadrat Fatimah and Hafsah, and a Few Miscellaneous Incidents
    VIII - Blow of a Misfortune, Law of Inheritance, Prohibition of Alcohol, Treachery of the Disbelievers and Two Tragic Incidents
    IX - Repeated Treachery of the Jews, Compilation and Sequence of the Holy Qur’an, Marriage of Hadrat Zainab (ra), the Great Calumny and Mischief of the Hypocrites
    X - Siege of Madinah and Delicate State of the Muslims, Failure of the Disbelievers and Reality of Miracles
    XI - Treachery of the Banu Quraizah and the End of the Jews in Madinah, Laws of Marriage and Divorce
    XII - First Era of Life in Madinah Comes to an End and the Islamic System of Government
    Glossary of Terms
    Index of Subject Matter

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