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Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    About the Author
    Publishers’ Note
    Need to Expound Various Aspects of Khilafat
    Attempt by Opponents of the Jama‘at to Find Fault with Khilafat
    Paramount Importance of the Issue of Khilafat in Islam
    Need to Link Organization of Muslim Ummah with Some Religious Precept
    A Pertinent Question
    Existence of Politics Without Government
    An Objection on Religious Khilafat
    Combination of Organizations of State and Religion in Early Period of Islam
    Does Organization Developed by the HolyProphet(sa) Have Religious Sanctity or Not?
    A Dangerous Outcome of the Denial of Khilafat
    Two Types of Religion
    Real Reason Why Sharia is Called a Curse in Christianity
    Involvement of Judaism in the Institution of Government
    What Kind of Religion Islam is?
    Comprehensive Guidance of Islam About all Institutions of Government
    Detailed Instructions for Implementation of Law
    The Holy Prophet’s(sa) System of Government
    Commandment to Expel Infidels from Arabia
    Essential Features of Government
    Were Commands Related to Establishment of an Organization only for the Prophet(sa)?
    Intense Love of Followers with their Prophet
    Issue of Consent upon Reaching Puberty
    Islam Ordains a National and Legal Organization
    Reasons for Mutiny of Arabian Tribes
    The Details of Issue of Khilafat
    A Personal Experience
    Condition of Companions(ra) on the Death of the Holy Prophet(sa)
    No Consideration on Succession of a Prophet in his Lifetime
    Every Prophet has Two Lives (I) Personal, (II) National
    Prophet’s Personal Life is First Manifestation of Divine Power and his National Life is Second
    A Look in the Dispute of “Qirtas” [Folio]
    Allah, the Almighty Starts National Life of a Prophet with Revelation
    Three Groups of Companions(ra) after the Demise of the Holy Prophet(sa)
    Dispute between Muhajirin and Ansar
    Election of Hadrat Abu Bakr(ra)
    Election of Hadrat Umar(ra)
    Election of Hadrat Usman(ra)
    Election of Hadrat Ali(ra)
    Declaration of Jihad by Hadrat Ayeshah(ra)
    Battle of Safin
    The Doctrine of Unelected Khilafat of Hadrat Ali(ra)
    Three Groups of Muslims in Reference to Khilafat
    The Authority of the Khalifah
    Some Questions Presented by Mir Muhammad Ishaq Sahib(ra) to Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I(ra)
    A Dream
    Assembly of Representatives of Outside Jama‘ats in Qadian
    Address of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I(ra) onthe Issue of Khilafat
    Renewal of the Bai‘at of Khawaja Kamaluddin and Maulawi Muhammad Ali
    Proposal to Publish an Announcement during Illness of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I(ra)
    Attempt to Save the Jama‘at from Disunity
    Demise of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I(ra)
    Request for Prayers
    Unanimous Decision of the Family of the Promised Messiah(as)
    My Meeting with Maulawi Muhammad Ali
    A Tract of Maulawi Muhammad Ali
    The Consent of Ninety Percent of the Members of the Jama‘at on Khilafat by Election
    Second Round of Discussions with Maulawi Muhammad Ali
    Establishment of the Second Khilafat
    Real Meaning of Some Sayings of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I(ra)
    Quranic Injunctions about Khilafat
    An Unfair Objection of Enemies of Islamon the phrase “Pure Spouses”
    Cooperation of Man and Woman is imperative for the creation of Paradise of this World and of the Hereafter
    A Magnificent Point
    Explanation of Hadith that “Paradise is Under the Feet of Mothers”
    The Command to Entrust the Trusts to the Deserving
    Quranic Principles of Islamic Organization
    Does Islam Acknowledge a Certain Type of Pure Worldly Government?
    Interpretation of Purely Worldly Organization
    A Regrettable Mistake of Muslims
    Second Mistake
    Establishment of Purely Religious Organization when Differences Prevent Setting up an All-encompassing System
    Clarification of an Objection on “Authorities among You”
    Interpretation of “Refer to Allah and His Messenger in situations of Disagreement with Authority among You”
    The Verse “Those who are in authority among You” is Applicable to Both the Worldly Authorities and Khulafa’-e-Rashidin
    Separate Commands for the Two Types of Authorities
    The Command to Follow Always Sunnah of Khulafa’-e-Rashidin
    Khulafa’-e-Rashidin are a Model for the Ummah
    Discussion of Ayat-e-Istikhlaf
    Performance of Prayer, in its True Sense, is not Possible without Khilafat
    True Obedience to the Messenger is also not Possible without Khilafat
    Summary of the Subject Matter of Ayat-e-Istikhlaf
    Signs of True Khulafa’
    Earlier Khilafats were either Khilafats of Prophethood or Khilafats of Kingship
    Why has the Resemblance been Ascribed to Khilafat of Prophethood and Not the Khilafat of Kingship?
    Promise of Khilafat Conditional upon Faith and Acts of Goodness
    Loss of Khilafat is Due to the Shortcoming of a Jama‘at, not because of a Shortcoming in the Khalifah
    Sign of the Establishment of Religion
    Transforming Fear into Security
    Hadrat Umar(ra) was not Afraid of his Martyrdom
    Hadrat Usman(ra) also did not Feel any Fear
    Martyrdom of Hadrat Ali(ra)
    Allah, the Almighty Safeguards His Khulafa’ from Ordinary Fears
    A Vision of the Holy Prophet(sa) Fulfilled after His Death
    After the Deaths of Khulafa’-e-Rashidin their Fear Continued to be Transformed into Security
    The Awe of Khulafa’-e-Rashidin on Non-Muslim Kings
    True Khulafa’ are the Standard Bearers of Real Unity
    An Incident of Maulawi Ghulam Ali
    A Story of a Sunni Elder
    Resoluteness of Hadrat Abu Bakr(ra) during the Apostasy
    Bold Acts of Hadrat Umar(ra)
    Spitting of Hadrat Abu Hurairah(ra) in the Scarf of Iranian King
    Bold Defences by Hadrat Usman(ra) andHadrat Ali(ra)
    Objections generally made on Ayat-e-Istikhlaf
    Reply to the Question that the Promise is Made with the Muslim ummah, and not with Some Individuals
    An Incident of a Dissentient
    The Effect of Protest against Afghanistan
    Khilafat is established through an Electoral Process in Which the Whole Community is Involved
    Why did Hadrat Abu Bakr(ra) Nominate Hadrat Umar(ra)?
    Can the Appointment of Yazid as Khalifah by Hadrat Muawiyah(ra) be Called Election?
    It is against the Sunnah of Companions(ra) that a Father Should propose His Son for Khilafat
    Surrender of Throne by a Son of Yazid
    Commentary of the Promised Messiah(as) on Ayat-e-Istikhlaf
    Inference of Khilafat-e-Muhammadiyya
    Evidence from the Way of Allah, the Almighty
    Resemblance of the Four Khulafa’ with the Previous Ones is not Necessary in Every Matter
    “The Ulema of my Ummah are like the Prophets of Bani Isra’il’ Refers only to the Spiritual Khulafa”
    Ayat-e-Istikhlaf Applies to Both the Nubuwwat and Khilafat of the Promised Messiah(as)
    No Connection of the Khulafa’ of ‘Isa(as) (Jesus Christ) with the Management of the Country
    Another Objection of the Opponents and Its Response
    The Khilafat of Previous Prophets—Both in the form of Prophethood and Kingship—was Imperfect
    Is Promise of Khilafat limited to the Khalifah immediately succeeding the Prophet
    Is it lawful to Remove a Khalifah?
    A Point to Ponder
    Another Verse in Favour of Khilafat-e-Rashidah
    A Command of the Holy Prophet(sa) Related to Khilafat
    A Grave Objection on the Rights of Khulafa’
    Crookedness only means Open Infidelity
    Could Hadrat Abu Bakr(ra) Commit Open Infidelity
    Some Precedents of the Holy Quran
    An Event in the Life of the Promised Messiah(as)
    Verse of Succession and the Second Khilafat
    A Wonderful Manifestation of Allah, the Almighty
    The Fulfillment of the Revelation “I Shall Break Them in Pieces” Related to Dissentients
    Total Trust in Allah, the Almighty
    A Dream about the Mischief of Mistries
    Always Remain Engaged in Prayers for the Descending of Second Manifestation of Divine Power

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