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Did Jesus Redeem Mankind?

Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad
    Israel and Muslims
    Striking Similarities
    Summary of the Sura
    Divine Attributes
    The Operative Laws
    Christian Doctrines
    Spiritual and Material Agencies
    Is Law a Curse?
    Man In God’s Image
    Quran On Salvation
    Purity of Human Nature
    Sin and Heredity
    Evil An External Influence
    What Is Sin
    Consciousness of Good and Evil
    Peculiarity of Quran
    Virtue and Vice Self-Acquired
    Coercion Ruled Out
    Project of Human Creation
    State of Contented Soul
    Error of Adam Not Premeditated
    Internal and External Aspects
    Sins Are Forgiven
    Christianity On Sin
    Did Adam Sin?
    The Forbidden Tree
    Was Adam At Fault?
    Adam Created to Imbibe Divine Attributes
    Tree Of Life
    Is Death Crop Of Sin?
    Vicarious Atonement Uncalled For
    Allegoric Narrative
    Was Adam Forgiven?
    Law and Sin
    Law and Salvation
    Sin and Divine Justice
    Enoch—A Righteous Man After Adam
    Zacharias, His Wife and John
    Prophecies Relating to Ishmael
    Was Messiah of Abram’s Progeny?
    Family Tree of Jesus
    Prophet Muhammad’s Claim
    Why Jesus Was Singled Out For Cross?
    Atonement and Judaism
    Christians Follow Cain
    Was Vicarious Atonement Imperative?
    Was Messiah Son Of God?
    Was Jesus Son Of Man?
    Real Meaning of the Term
    All Israel Termed Gods
    ‘Son Of God’ A Metaphoric Expression
    Recent Alterations in Bible
    Jesus Lacked Fore-Knowledge
    Messiah’s Physical Body
    Did Messiah Offer Atonement Willingly?
    Evidence of The New Testament
    Forced Atonement Invalid
    Was Jesus Free From Hereditary Sin?
    Messiah Tainted WIth Original Sin
    Was Eve Sinless?
    Progeny of Sinful Parents
    Only Alternative For Christians
    Inadequacy of Messiah’s Sacrifice
    A Big Joke
    Did Messiah Offer Atonement?
    Promised Messiah’s Achievements
    The Coming Messiah
    Significance of Man
    Who Went to Hell?
    Is It Allrgoric
    Was The Sacrifice Adequate?
    Early Christians Persecuted
    The Story of Catacombs
    Real Miracle of Christianity
    Messiah’s Basic Sign
    Similarity in Features
    Story of Jonas
    Basic Points
    What Nineveh Saw?
    Where Is the Promised Sign?
    Cross Cancels Jonas’s Sign
    Messiah Showed Jonas’s Sign
    Ten Tribes
    Messiah’s Target
    One Fold, One Shepherd
    Jesus In Footsteps Of Jonah
    Messiah In Kashmir
    A Welcome Reception
    Story of Crucifixion
    Hanging on The Cross
    Death On Cross, A Matter of Days
    Messiah On The Cross
    Messiah Lived On The Cross
    After The Cross
    Messiah Goes Into Hiding
    Can Spirit Eat Honey?
    Messiah Makes Good His Escape

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