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Islam and Communism

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Three Systems of the World
    Gog and Magog
    Universal Menace
    Communism Summed Up
    Reaction Against Capitalism
    Right Balance
    The Islamic Economic System
    Natural Incentive to Individual Effort
    Spirit of Healthy Rivalry
    Individual Sympathy and Fellow-Feeling
    Disregard For Mental Faculties
    Division of Human Rights
    Unnatural Props
    Neglect of Spiritual Side
    The Iron Curtain
    Islamic Equality
    Islamic Law of Inheritance
    Islamic Machinery for Mutual Help
    Voluntary System of Charity in Islam
    Islamic Sytem of Commerce and Trade
    Cure For Acute Economic Crises
    Governmental Responsibility
    Summing Up
    World Peace

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