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Hazrat Amman Jan - An Inspiration for Us All

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Table of Contents

    Title Page
    System of Transliteration
    Salutations and Abbreviations
    Author’s Introduction
    How Hadrat Amman Jan’s (ra) Parents Became Acquainted with the Family of the Promsed Messiahas
    The Parentage of Sayyedah Nusrat Jahan Begum (ra)
    Prophecies Relating to the Promised Messiah’s (as) Marriage to Hadrat Amman Jan (ra)
    A Blessed Match
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Life Passion: Worship
    The Fulfilment of Hadrat Amman Jan’s (ra) Prayers
    The Fulfilment of Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Words
    Hadrat Amman Jan’s (ra) Love for the Promised Messiah (as)
    Hadrat Amman Jan’s (ra) Relationship with the Promised Messiah’s (as) First Wife and Her In-Laws
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Relationship with Her Daughters-in-Law
    Hadrat Amman Jan’s (ra) Financial Sacrifices
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Daily Routine
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Simple Lifestyle
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Appearance
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Household Management
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Behaviour Towards Her Household Helpers
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Sense of Humour and Gaiety
    A Revolutionary Wedding
    Hadrat Amman Jan’sra Kindness to Orphans, the Needy and Students
    Respect for Teachers
    Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Moral Training of Children
    Hadrat Amman Jan’s (ra) Immense Steadfastness and Unshakeable Faith in the Promised Messiah (as) During Times of Great Loss
    Hadrat Amman Jan (ra): A Paragon of Patience in Her Final Illness
    Some Opinions of Hadrat Amman Jan's (ra) Children of their Mother
    Hadrat Mirza Bashir ud Din Mahmood Ahmad (ra), Hadrat Khalifatul Masih II
    Hadrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad (ra)
    Hadrat Nawwab Mubaraka Begum (ra)
    Hadrat Amatul Hafiz Begum Sahibah (ra)
    “Top Tips” From Hadrat Amman Jan (ra)
    Hadrat Amman Jan (ra): Where She Lives Now...
    A Final Message for the Jama‘at
    Appendix I
    Appendix II

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