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Twenty-Three Great Objectives of Building the House of Allah

Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Back Cover Page
    Title Page
    Title Page 2
    About the Author
    Table of Contents
    Publishers’ Note
    Twenty-three great objectivesof rebuilding the House of Allah[Ka‘bah]by Hadrat Ibrahimas
    The intimate connection of theobjectives of building theHouse of Allah with the adventof the Holy Prophetsa
    Spiritual and temporal benefitsof all the peoples in the worldhave been bound up with theHouse of Allah
    Manifestation of worldwideblessings of the House of Allahmarked by the advent of theHoly Prophetsa
    The House of Allah is a Sourceof everlasting Manifest Signsand Divine Support
    The Divine promise ofestablishing global unificationby assembling all the nations inthe world at one centre ofTauhid (Unity of God)
    The House of Allah–a center forattaining spiritual and physicalpurification and for itsproliferation
    The good deeds of those whomake sacrifices to win thepleasure of Allah the Almightynever go to waste
    Establishment of the Muslimumma by the Holy Prophetsa
    All the objectives of building the House of Allah have been fulfilled by the advent of the Holy Prophetsa
    Names and Places

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