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Gardens of the Righteous

Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan

Table of Contents

    On Sincerity and the Importance of Motive in Every Type of Action
    On Repentance
    On Steadfastness
    On Truthfulness
    On Self-Examination
    On Righteousness
    On Certainty and Trust
    On Perseverence
    On Pondering Over the Creation of Allah, Etc.
    On Vying With One Another in Doing Good
    On Striving
    On Urging Oneself Towards Increasing Good in Later Life
    On the Variety of Ways of Goodness
    On Moderation in Worship
    On Constancy in Righteous Conduct
    On the Obligation of Obedience of the Holy Prophet
    On the Obligation to Obey the Commands of Allah
    On Prohibition of Innovations in the Faith
    On New Ways of Doing Good or the Reverse
    On Pointing Out the Way of Good and Urging Towards Guidance or Error
    On Assistance Towards Piety and Rectitude
    On Goodwill
    On Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil
    On Chastisement of One Who Enjoins Good and Forbids Evil but His Conduct Belies Him
    On Discharging Trust
    On Forbidding Wrong and Repelling It
    On Honouring That Which Is Sacred
    On Covering up the Defaults of Muslims
    On Relieving the Needs of Muslims
    On Intercession
    On Making Peace Between People
    On the Superiority of the Poor and Weak Among Muslims
    On Kind Treatment of Orphans, Girls, the Week, the Poor, and the Lowly
    On Kindness Towards Women
    On Husband’s Rights Concerning His Wife
    On Spending for Family and Children
    On Spending Out of That Which Is Good
    On Obedience to Allah and Abstention From Which Forbidden
    On Obligation Due to a Neighbour and Kind Treatment of Him
    On Benevolence Towards Parents and Strengthening the Ties of Kinship
    On Prohibition of Disobedience of Parents and Repudiation of Ties of Kinship
    On Doing Good to Friends of Parents, and Relations and Wives and Others
    On Honouring the Members of the Family of the Holy Prophet
    On Honouring the Learned and the Great
    On Visiting the Righteous and Keeping Company With Them
    On the Excellence of Love for the Sake of Allah
    On the Signs of Allah’s Love for His Servants
    On Warning Against the Persecution of the Righteous, the Weak and Lovely
    On Judging People in Respect of Their Over Conduct
    On Fear of Allah
    On Hope and Good Expectation
    On Exaltation of Hope
    On Combining Hope and Fear
    On the Excellence of Weeping for Fear of Allah
    On the Excellence of Indifference to the World and Poverty
    On the Excellence of Hunger
    On Contentment, Chastity and Moderation in Spending
    On Acceptance of That Which Is Bestowed Without Asking or Desire
    On Earning by Hand and Refraining From Asking and Hasting Towards Giving
    On Generosity and Spending in a Good Cause Trusting in Allah
    On Prohibition of Niggardliness
    On Self-Sacrifice and Service
    On Aspiring After That Which Is Blessed
    On the Excellence of the Grateful Rich
    On Death and Restraint of Desire
    On Permission for Men to Visit Graves
    On the Undesirability of Praying for Death
    On Piety and Discarding the Doubtful
    On the Desirability of Withdrawal From Corruption
    On Intercourse With People in a Beneficent Manner
    On Courtesy and Humility
    On Condemnation of Arrogance and Self-Esteem
    On Good Behavior
    On Gentleness and Forbearance
    On Forgiveness and Forbearance
    On Endurance of Hurt
    On Indignation Against Violation of Injunctions
    On the Duty of Public Officials to Deal Kindly With People
    On a Just Ruler
    On Obedience to Authority
    On Prohibition of Asking for Office
    On Selecting Good Advisors
    On Refund to Appoint to Public
    On Modesty
    On Keeping a Secret
    On Fulfilment of Covenants
    On Safeguarding a Good Practice
    On Cheerfulness and Soft Speech
    On Clarity of Discourse
    On Listening With Attention
    On Economy in Preaching
    On Dignity and Calmness
    On Walking Sedately to the Mosque
    On Honouring the Guest
    On Good News and Felicitation
    On Saying Farewell and Parting Advice
    On Consultation and Praying for Good
    On Varying the Route of Return
    On Preferring the Right Hand for Performance of All Good Acts
    On Table Manners
    On Not Finding Fault With Food and Praising It
    On the Response of One Fasting to an Invitation
    On a Person Who Is Invited Being Accompanied by Another
    On Eating What Is in Front of One
    On Prohibition of Eating Two Dates or Other Fruits Together
    On Eating Without Being Filled
    On Eating From the Side of the Vessel
    On Dislike of Eating While Leaning Against a Pillow
    On Eating With Hands
    On Saving Food
    On Drinking Water
    On Undesirability of Drinking Directly From a Water-Skin etc.
    On the Undesirability of Blowing Upon Drink
    On Drinking Standing or Sitting
    On Turns in Drinking
    On Drinking Vessels
    On Clothes, Their Material and Colours
    On Dress and the Manner of Wearing It
    On Giving Smart Clothing Out of Humility
    On Moderation in Dress
    On Prohibition of Wearing Silk for Men
    On Permission to Wear Silk in Case Skin Disorders
    On Permission of Sitting and on Skins of Wild Animals
    On Supplication on Wearing New Articles
    On Beginning With the Right Side When Dressing
    On Sleeping
    On Lying Down on One's Back
    On Sitting in Company
    On Dreams
    On Multiplying the Greeting of Peace
    On the Manner of Greeting
    On the Order of Greeting
    On Repetition of Greeting
    On Greeting when Entering Home
    On Greeting Children
    On Greeting Women
    On Greeting Non-Muslims
    On Greeting when Arriving and Departing
    On Asking Permission to Enter
    On Mentioning One's Name When Asking Leave
    On Sneezing and Yawning
    On Shaking Hands etc.
    On Visiting the Sick
    On Prayer for the Sick
    On Inquiring about the Sick
    On What One Should Say on the Approach of Death
    On Kindness Towards One Facing Death
    On Giving Expression to Suffering
    On Urging a Dying One to Affirm the Unity of Allah
    On Closing the Eyes of One Who Has Died and Praying for Him
    On What Should Be Said When a Person Dies
    On Silent Shedding of Tears in Grief
    On Safeguarding in Knowledge of the Condition of a Dead Body
    On Participating in Funeral Prayers
    On the Desirability of Large Participation in Funeral Prayers
    On the Contents of Funeral Prayers
    On Speedy Burial
    On Speedy Payment of the Debts of a Deceased Person
    On Admonition in a Graveyard
    On Praying for the Deceased After Burial
    On Giving of Alms on Behalf of a Deceased Person
    On Praise of a Deceased Person
    On the Good Fortune of One Who Loses Small Children
    On Weeping and Trembling Over the Remains of Wrongdoers
    On Setting Out on a Journey
    On Travelling in Company Under a Leader
    On the Rules of Journeying
    On Helping a Companion
    On Supplication When Starting on a Journey
    On Glorification While Climbing and Descending
    On The Supplication of a Traveller
    On Supplication Against Apprehended Mischief
    On Supplication on Arrival
    On Speedy Return From Journey
    On Returning Home by Day
    On Glorification on Returning Home
    On Proceeding to the Mosque on Return
    On a Women Being Prohibited From Travelling Alone
    On the Excellence of Reading the Quran
    On Safeguarding the Quran
    On Good Recitation of the Quran
    On Special Chapters and Verses
    On Gathering Together for Recitation of the Quran
    On the Excellence of Ablutions
    On the Excellence of Azan
    On the Excellence of the Salat
    On the Excellence of the Dawn and Afternoon Prayer
    On the Excellence of Walking to the Mosque
    On the Excellence of Waiting for Prayer
    On the Excellence of Congregational Prayer
    On Urging Joining the Dawn and Evening Prayers
    On Safeguarding the Prescribed Prayers
    On the Excellence of the First Row
    On the Excellence of Voluntary Prayers
    On Emphasis on Two Raka’as Before Dawn Prayer
    On the Manner of Offering the Two Raka’as at Dawn
    On Relaxation After the Two Raka'as
    On the Sunnahs of the Noon Prayer
    On the Sunnahs of the Afternoon Prayer
    On the Sunnahs of the Sunset Prayer
    On the Sunnahs of the Evening Prayer
    On the Sunnahs of the Friday Prayer
    On the Preference of Offering Voluntary Prayer at Home
    On the Importance of Vitr
    On the Excellence of the Forenoon Voluntary Prayer
    On the Time of the Forenoon Voluntary Prayer
    On the Excellence of the Voluntary Prayer in Entering a Mosque
    On Offering Prayer After Ablutions
    On the Excellence of Friday Prayer and Its Due Preparation
    On Prostration in Gratitude for Divine Favours
    On the Excellence of Prayer at Night
    On Voluntary Prayer During Ramadhan
    On Voluntary Prayer During the Night of Decrees
    On the Excellence of Brushing of Teeth etc.
    On the Obligation of Paying the Zakat
    On Fasting
    On Munificent Charity etc. During Ramadhan
    On Prohibition of Fasting
    On Supplication on Observing the New Moon
    On Breakfast During Ramadhan
    On the Time of Breaking the Fast etc.
    On Safeguarding the Fast
    On Miscellaneous Matters Concerning the Fast
    On the Excellence of Fasting in the Month of Muharram and Sha'ban etc.
    On the Excellence of Fasting in the First Ten Days of Zil Hajj
    On the Excellence of Fasting on the Day of Arafat and the Tenth Day of Muharram
    On the Excellence of Fasting on the First Six Days of Shawal
    On the Desirability of Fasting on Monday and Thursday
    On the Desirability of Fasting on Three Days in every Month
    On the Excellence of Providing for the Breaking of the Fast etc.
    On Retreat
    On Pilgrimage
    On Striving in the Cause of Allah
    On Martyrdom Without Fighting
    On the Excellence of Freeing a Slave
    On Benevolence Towards Slaves
    On the Excellence of a Servant Who Discharges His Duty to Allah and His Duty to His Master
    On the Excellence of Worship During Disturbances
    On the Excellence of Fair Dealing
    On Knowledge
    On Praise of Allah and His Gratitude
    On Calling down Blessings on the Holy Prophet
    On the Remembrance of Allah
    On Remembrance of Allah in All Situations
    On Supplication on Retiring and Rising
    On Remembrance in Company
    On Remembrance of Allah Morn and Eve
    On the Supplication on Retiring
    On Supplications
    On the Excellence of Supplication for Absent Ones
    On Miscellaneous Matters Concerning the Supplications
    On the Miracles of the Saints
    On Prohibitions etc.
    On Prohibitions of Listening to Idle talk
    On Permissible Criticism
    On Carrying Tales
    On Carrying Tales to Those in Authority
    On Condemnation of Being Double-Faced
    On Condemnation of Falsehood
    On the Need of Investigation
    On Prohibition of Giving False Evidence
    On Prohibition of Cursing
    On Permissibility of Cursing Sinners
    On Permissibility of Abusing a Muslim Unjustly
    On Prohibition of Abusing the Dead
    On Prohibition of Maligning
    On Prohibition of Entertaining Ill-Feeling
    On Prohibition of Jealousy
    On Prohibition of Spying
    On Prohibition of Suspicion
    On Prohibition of Looking Down on People
    On Prohibition of Exultation over Another's Misfortune
    On Prohibition of Deriding a Person's Descent
    On Prohibition of Cheating
    On Prohibition of Breach of Covent
    On Prohibition of Following a Gift with Reproaches
    On Prohibition of Pride and Arrogance
    On Prohibition of Boycott
    On Prohibition of Two Conversing Together Excluding a Third
    On Prohibition of Cruelty
    On Prohibition of Tormenting by Fire
    On the Undesirability of a Person of Means Postponing Fulfilment of His Obligations
    On Prohibition of Retracting a Gift
    On the Sanctity of the Property of an Orphan
    On Prohibition of Taking Interest
    On Prohibition of Showing Off
    On That Which Is Not Showing Off
    On Prohibition of Looking at Strange Women
    On Prohibition of Being Alone With a Strange Women
    On Prohibition of Men and Women Apeing One Another
    On Prohibition of Apeing Satan and Disbelievers
    On Prohibition of Dyeing Hair Black
    On Prohibition of Shaving Part of Head
    On Prohibition of Wigs, Tattooing and Filing of Teeth
    On Prohibition of Plucking Away White Hair
    On Prohibition of Employing the Right Hand for Cleaning
    On the Undesirability of Wearing Only One Shoe or Sock
    On Prohibition of Leaving an Opening Fire Burning at Night
    On Prohibition of Affectation
    On Prohibition of Bewailing the Dead
    On Eschewing Soothsayers and the Like
    On Prohibition of Believing in Ill Omens
    On Prohibition of Portraits Likenesses
    On Prohibition of Keeping a Dog
    On the Undesirability of Bells etc.
    On Aversion Towards Riding a Camel That Eats Refuse
    On Prohibition of Spitting in a Mosque etc.
    On the Undesirability of Raising Voices in a Mosque
    On Prohibition of Entering a Mosque After Eating Raw Onions, Garlic Etc.
    On the Undesirability of Siting With Legs Drawn up During Sermon
    On Prohibition of Having a Haircut Etc. By One Intending to Offer a Sacrifice on Festival
    On Prohibition of Taking an Oath on Anything Beside Allah
    On Prohibition of Taking a False Oath
    On the Desirability of Expiation of Oaths
    On Expiation of Oaths
    On the Undesirability of Swearing in Buying and Selling
    On Prohibition of Asking in the Name of Allah
    On Prohibition of Title of King of Kings
    On Prohibition of Employing Title of Honour for Hypocrite
    On Prohibition of Abusing a Disease
    On Prohibition of Condemning the Weather
    On Prohibition of speaking Ill of a Rooster
    On Prohibition of Attributing Rain to the Direction of a Planet
    On Prohibition of Calling a Muslim a Disbeliever
    On Prohibition of Loose Talk
    On the Undesirability of Employing Exaggerated Terms
    On the Undesirability of Self Condemnation
    On the Undesirability of Calling Grapes Karm
    On the Prohibition of Describing the Beauty of a Women
    On the Desirability of Supplication in Full Confidence
    On the Undesirability of Combining What Allah Wills and So and So Wills
    On the Undesirability of Conversation After Evening Prayer
    On the Prohibition of a Women Refusing Herself to Her Husband When He Calls Her
    On the Prohibition of a Women Observing a Voluntary Fast Without Her Husband’s Permission
    On the Prohibition of Going Ahead of the Imam in Prayer
    On the Prohibition of Placing One’s Hand on One’s Side During Prayer
    On the Undesirability of Joining Prayer When Food Has Been Served
    On the Prohibition of Raising Eyes Aloft During Prayer
    On the Undesirability of Eyes Straying During Prayer
    On Prohibition of Facing Towards Graves During Prayer
    On Prohibition of Passing in Front of a Worshipper Engaged in Prayer
    On the Undesirability of Continuing in Voluntary Prayer After Iqamah
    On the Undesirability of Specially Selecting Friday for Observing a Fast etc.
    On Prohibition of Extending a Fast Beyond One Day
    On Prohibition of Sitting on a Grave
    On Prohibition of Building Over a Grave
    On Prohibition of a Slave Running From His Master
    On the Undesirability of Intercession in the Matter of Prescribed Penalties
    On Prohibition of Pollution
    On Prohibition of Passing Water into a Pond or Reservoir
    On Prohibition of Preferring One Child Over Another in Matter of Gifts
    On the Period of Mourning to Be Observed by a Widow
    On Prohibition of Undesirable Commercial Practices
    On Prohibition of Extravagance
    On Prohibition of Pointing at Another With a Weapon
    On the Undesirability of Leaving a Mosque After Azan Before Conclusion of Prayer
    On the Undesirability of Refusing Perfume
    On the Undesirability of Praising a Person to His Face
    On the Undesirability of Leaving or Coming to a Plague-Stricken Town
    On Prohibition of Sorcery
    On Prohibition of Carrying the Quran Into Enemy Territory
    On Prohibition of the Use of Gold and Silver Vessels
    On Prohibition of Saffron-Coloured Garments
    On Prohibition of Vowing Silence
    On Prohibition of Attributing Wrong Fatherhood
    On Prohibition of That Which Allah and His Messenger Have Forbidden
    On Expiation of Involuntary Infringement of Divine Command
    On Signs of the Last Day
    On Seeking Forgiveness
    On the Bounties of Paradise

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