Flowers for the Women Wearing Veils - Volume I

Table of Contents

    Photo of Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II (ra)
    Table of Contents
    Foreword for this Edition
    Mothers Should Inculcate Good Morals in their Children
    Adopt Piety, so that Your Children Grow to be Pious
    Address to the Ladies (July 8, 1915, in Lahore)
    Address to the Ladies (October 6, 1917)
    Listen to the Sermon, with the Intention of Acting upon it - Address to the Ladies (April 12, 1920, in Sialkot)
    Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana (Masjid Al-Aqsa, 1921)
    The Initial Appeal for the Creation of Lajna Ima’illah (1922)
    Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana Qadian (December 1922)
    Three-Part Lecture - First Speech (February 5, 1923)
    The Second Speech (February 11, 1923)
    The Third Speech (March 5, 1923)
    Address to the Lajna in a Friday Sermon (February 2, 1923)
    Appeal for Construction of the Ahmadiyya Mosque Berlin (March 2, 1923)
    The Education and Training of Ahmadi Children (June 29, 1923)
    Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana (December 28, 1924)
    Importance and Need for the Education and Training of Ahmadi Women (March 17, 1925)
    Can a Young Woman Present her Parents with her Mehr? (July 24, 1925)
    Important Guidelines for Parents Regarding their Children’s Moral Training (1925)
    An Admonition to Ahmadi Women (1925)
    Some Important Points on the Education and Training of Ahmadi Women (May 1926)
    Address to the Students of the Women’s Educational Institute
    Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana (December 27, 1926)
    Address to Lajna (March 22, 1927)
    Cultivate Awakening and Realization Among Women
    Letter to Women Regarding their Purdah
    A Clarification of Islamic Purdah
    A Further Conversation on Purdah
    The Women of the Ahmadiyya Jama‘at Should Take Note
    An Address to Lajna
    Address to the Ladies at the Occasion of Jalsa Salana (December 1928)
    Respect the Law and Do not be Afraid of Differences in Opinion
    Address to the Ladies at the Occasion of Jalsa Salana (December 28, 1929)
    Women’s Right to Representation at Majlis-e-Mushawarat (Jalsa Salana, December 28, 1929)
    Marriage Customs and their Reformation
    Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana (December 1930)
    Duty of Ahmadi Women at this Time
    Address at the Inauguration of the FA Class
    Instill Courage and Bravery in Women
    An Appeal to Ahmadi Women for the Repair of the London Mosque
    The Educational Progress of Ahmadi Women (September 13, 1931)
    A Summary of the Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana (December 1931)
    Address to the Ladies at the Jalsa Salana (1932)
    Obtain True Knowledge! (Address at Jalsa Salana, 1933)
    Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana (1934)
    Hazrat Khalifat-ul-Masih II’sra Instructions Regarding the Moral Training of Children (December 27, 1925)
    Address to the Ladies as Jalsa Salana (December 1936)
    A Child’s Upbringing is Dependent upon the Mother’s Moral State
    We Should Pay Great Attention to Reformation (April 1, 1938)
    Lajna Should be Established Everywhere and all Adult Ahmadi Women Should be Made Members (October 28, 1938)
    Recognize your Responsibilities Regarding the Training of your Children and Apply all the Principles of Tahrik-e-Jadid within your Daily Lives (December 27, 1938 Jalsa Salana)
    Address to Lajna on the Auspicious Occasion of the Khilafat Jubilee
    Women are not a Separate Entity from Men (December 27, 1940 Jalsa Salana)
    Address to the Ladies at the Occasion of Jalsa Salana (December 27, 1941)
    Reform your Practical Life and Establish Lajna Ima’illah Everywhere (December 26, 1942 Jalsa Salana)
    Address to the Ladies at the Occasion of Jalsa Salana (1943)
    Address to the Ladies at the Occasion of Jalsa Salana (20 Hijrah 1323)
    Methods for the Religious Education and Moral Training of Women
    A Revelation of Glad Tidings (April 29, 1944 - Majlis Ilm o Irfan [a gathering], Qadian)
    Translations of the Holy Qur’ān into Foreign Languages and Lajna Imai’illah
    Every Ahmadi Woman is the True Daughter of Eve (December 27, 1944 Jalsa Salana)
    Ahmadi Women and the Training of Children (January 25, 1946)
    Praise of the Work of Qadian’s Ahmadi Women and an Expression of Approval (February 15, 1942)
    Responsibility for Tabligh and Ahmadi Women (October 1, 1946 Jalsa Salana)
    Awaken your Emotions and be Mindful of your Faith (December 27, 1946 Jalsa Salana)
    Four Important Exhortations (December 28, 1946)
    Safeguarding the Rights of Women (January 31, 1947)
    Payment of Chanda from Jewelry and Inheritance (April 11, 1947, in Qadian)
    A New Era for Misbah Magazine
    Tahrik Scheme of Chanda for Berlin Mosque (July 20, 1923)
    Friday Sermon (July 27, 1923)

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