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A Deplorable Scheme of Falsification and Accusations

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Cover Page
    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    About the Author
    A Deplorable Scheme of Falsification and Accusation
    The Current State of Affairs
    The Loss of Their Rights
    Fresh Desire for Sacrifices
    A Popular Sentiment
    The Publicity of Ahmadiyyat in All Corners of Pakistan
    The Extent of Moral Depravity
    Imprint of the Character of Ahrar on the Government
    Background of the Opposition
    Schemes were Hatched in Advance
    No Element of Decency in Present Government
    How Pakistan Would React to the Truth
    A Duplicity in Governmental Policy
    There is No Truth Behind Their Objections
    The Cowardice of the Government
    Admission of Defeat
    So-called Solution to Hundred Year Problem
    A Treacherous Effort for Fault-Finding
    A Great Benefit for the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama’at
    Another Great Benefit Provided by the Government of Pakistan
    Bundle of Allegations Against the Promised Messiahas
    Extremely Disgusting and Hateful Literature
    The Progress of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jama’at
    Great Victories are Destined for Us
    An Example to Keep in Mind
    Glossary of Important Terms

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