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Claims and Teachings - Ahmad The Promised Messiah and Mahdi

Other Authors

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    The Need of the Holy Quran
    Custom and Tradition and Their Respective Value in Muslim Law
    Certainty In Faith
    The Jews', the Christians', the Hindoos',and the Muslims' Expectations Concerning the Coming of the World Teacher. The Advent of the First Messiah
    The Second Advent of the Messiah
    The Christian Calculations as to the Time of the Second Advent of the Messiah
    The Hindoo Belief
    Time Fixed by the Holy Quran As to the Second Advent of the Messiah. The Signs Mentioned in Quran and Traditions. The Revelations of the Muslim Saints
    The Holy Quran Clearly Speaks of the Death of Jesus Son of Mary (Isa Ibne Mariam) Peace Be On Him and Refutes the False Belief of His Personal Second Advent
    Did Jesus Son of Mary Peace Be On Him Mount Up Into Heavenly Bodily?
    The Resemblances Between the Mosaic and the Muslim System and Their Two Respective Messiahs
    The Promised Messiah Appeared Exactly at the Appointed Time With Thousands of Signs and Testimonies
    Hear! Ye Christians of Europe and America! and Ye Seekers After Truth!
    Why is the Promised Messiah Sent From Among the Muslims?
    One God One Prophet and One Faith
    The Early Life and Mission of the Promised Messiah
    The Teachings of the Promised Messiah
    The Teachings of the Quran and Gospels Compared
    Some Criteria of A Divine Revelation
    Some of the Revelations of the Promised Messiah
    Are All Religions From God?
    The Teachings of Islam and Their Contrast With Other Relligions
    My Claim to Promised Messiah
    An Extract From the Promised Messiah Lecture Delivered at Sialkot on the 1st November 1904
    The Bubonic Plague
    Plague Inoculation and the Followers of the Promised Messiah
    Immediate Precaution in Case of Outbreak of Plague
    Plague Remedies Suggested by Various Religious Sects and the Only True Remedy Revealed by the Almighty God
    A Standing Miracle of Islam in Support of the Proof That Islam Is The Only True and Living Religion on Earth
    Every Muslim Recognise Imam-e-Zaman or the Spiritual Leader of the Time Who Is Specially Raised by the Almighty God at the Beginning of Every Century
    Why Are the Muslims Called the Best of All People and Their Holy Prophet Mahomad Peace and Blessings of God Be On Him Called the Seal of Prophets and the Only Living Prophet?
    Jehad or Religious War
    The Promised Messiah’s Exhortation To His Followers Concerning the British Government
    An Extract From Punjab Census Report
    An Extract From Bombay Census Report
    An Interpretation of the Titles of Isa Masih and Mahomad Mahdi Given to the Promised Messiah
    An Interpretation of the Title of Avtar or Incarnation of Shri Krishna Given to the Promised Messiah
    An Interpretation of the Promised Messiah’s Descent Upon a Minaret
    An Interpretation of the Promised Messiah’s Descent With Two Yellow Mantles On
    An Interpretation of the Rising of Sun from West
    The Promised Messiah is a Prophet of God
    The Apostle of God in The Clothes of All the Prophets
    Further Divine Revelations
    Fundamental Doctrines of Muslim Faith
    Object of Muslim Prayers
    Importance of Friday Prayer
    Who Is a True Martyr
    Preparation For the Next World
    They Are Not Muslims Who Refuse to Believe in the Promised Messiah Although They May Pray and Fast and Follow Other Islamic Injunctions
    A Reply to Those Who Demand Miracles or Wordly Advantages. The Best Criterion to Recognise a True Prophet of God
    Prophecies Relating to the Safety of the Promised Messiah asnd the Two Martyrdoms
    The Will of the Promised Messiah
    A Few Words of a Advice and a Grand Prophecy That the World Should Bear Witness in Every Age
    The Message of Peace
    The Object of the Promised Messiah’s Advent
    Why a Prophet of God Needed at the Present Age?
    The Promised Messiah as Moon of the Prophets As Well as Sun of the Prophets
    One of the Earliest Prophecies of the Promised Messiah and its Wonderful Fulfilment
    A New Years Call to Christendom
    A Call to Truth
    Ahmad’s Teachings to his Followers
    The Grand Mystery Underlying the Unusual Birth of Jesus Christ
    Jewish Massacres
    A Message For the Sikhs
    What Will Be the Outcome of This?
    Why Is All This Tribulation?
    One of the Prophecies Concerning The Promised Messiah’s Promised Son
    Our Leafers Appeal to the Indian Mussalmans
    Some Revelations Relating to the Future Which Yet Await Fulfilment
    Conditions of Bai’at
    The Articles of Faith of the Ahmadiyya Community
    The Duties of the Ahmadiyya Community
    The Management of the Ahmadiyya Movement
    Some Instructions For the New Ahmadis
    Shall an Ahmadi Say His Prayers With a Non-Ahmadi as Imam?
    Form For Initiation Into the Ahmadiyya Movement
    Jesus, Son of Mary Peace and Blessings of God Be on Him Says
    Misconceptions Concerning Jesus Son of Mary, Peace and Blessings of God Be on Him
    Metaphorical Verses Revealed to the Holy Prophet Mahommad, Peace and Blessings of God Be on Him
    The Holy Quran Declares That Jesus Son of Mary Peace be on Him is Dead and Refutes the False Belief Concerning his Personal Second Advent
    It Is the Hereditary Custom of the People of Every Age to Disbelieve the Messengers of God When Every They Are Raised From Among Them
    Every One Has to Pass a Trial Recognising the Divine Messenger of the Time
    Veritable Infidels Are Those who Seek to Make a Distinction Between the Apostles of God
    Ober the Summoner of God. If He is a False Prophet he Shall Bear His Sin and Shall be Destroyed
    A Prayer From the Holy Quran
    Fate of Those Who Disbelieve the Divine Messengers
    The Teachings of Islam

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