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Absolute Justice, Kindness and Kinship

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    About the Author
    Publisher’s Note
    Glossary of Terms
    Absolute Justice,Kindness and Kinship Part I
    List of Chapter in Part I
    Foreword to the First Editionof the First Part
    1 The Three Creative PrinciplesDefined
    2 The Creation of the Universe
    3 The Ecosystem
    4 The Animal Kingdom
    5 Further Evolution of Man
    6 Different Kinds of Balancewithin Man’s Body
    7 Violations of Justice
    8 The Role of the Three CreativePrinciples in the Shaping of Religion
    9 Islam as the Ultimate Goal ofReligious Teachings
    References Part I
    Absolute Justice,Kindness and Kinship Part II
    List of Chapters in Part II
    10 Freedom of Consciencein Matters of Faith
    11 Islamic Jihad Misunderstood
    12 Justice (‘Adl), Benevolence(Ihsan) & Kinship (Ita’i Dhil-Qurba) in Worship
    13 Absolute JusticeMay Never be Withheld
    14 Trust and Accountability
    15 Testimony of Muslims againstNon-Muslims and Vice Versa
    References Part II
    Absolute Justice,Kindness and Kinship Part III
    List of Chapters in Part III
    16 Evidence in Financial Matters
    17 Evidence of the Existence of God
    18 A New Category of Testimony
    19 The Recording System Operative in the Entire Universe
    20 Covenants, their Different Categories, Punishments and Rewards
    21 Covenants with Non-Muslims, Treaties and Contracts
    Publisher’s Note
    References Part III
    Absolute Justice, Kindness and Kinship Part IV
    List of Chapters in Part IV
    22 Justice in Speech
    23 The Basic Principle of Establishing Equality Among all the Children of Adamas
    24 The Teaching of Justice and Kindness Regarding Relatives
    References Part IV

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