The Essence of Islam – Volume II

The Essence of Islam – Volume II


About The Book
This is the second volume of the series bearing the title 'The Essence of Islam', the first volume of which was published in 1979. Like the first volume it sets out in the words of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian himself, a summary of his exposition of eighteen further topics which are listed in the table of contents. The first volume has had a very encouraging reception, and it is hoped that the second volume of the series will be accorded the same degree of reception. It will be appreciated that the topics included...


About Author
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Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (1835–1908) was born in Qadian, India. From his early life, he dedicated himself to prayer and studying the Holy Quran and other scriptures. He was deeply pained to observe the plight of Islam, which was being attac...


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