Books by
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
The Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as)
Ruhani Khazain
The Essence of Islam
Majmua Ishtiharat
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as)
Tafseer Hazrat Masih-e-Maud (as)
Durre Samin Farsi
English Works
Allah The Exalted
The Light of the Holy Qur'an
Selections from the Writings of the Promised Messiah
The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam
Noah's Ark: An Invitation to Faith
Our Teaching
A Message of Peace
Jesus In India
The Need for the Imam
The British Government and Jihad
A Misconception Removed
Mahmud’s Aameen
The Truth Unveiled
The Advent of the Promised Messiah
A Hidden Truth
Star of the Empress
Defence Against the Plague and a Criterion for the Elect of God
A Review of the Debate between Batalavi and Chakrhalavi
The Narrative of Two Martyrdoms
A Gift for the Queen
A Gift for An-Nadwah
Lecture Lahore
Lecture Sialkot
Lecture Ludhiana
Proceedings of the Prayer Meeting
Four Questions by Mr. Sirajuddin, a Christian, and their Answers
Three Questions by a Christian and their Answers
Fountain of Christianity
Blessings of Prayer
The Heavenly Sign
The Heavenly Decree
Divine Manifestations
Elucidation of Objectives
The Criterion for Religions
How to be Free from Sin
The Truth Revealed
The Green Announcement
The Victory of Islam
The Honour of Prophets
The True Nature of the Mahdi
A Conclusive Argument in Favour of Islam
The Will
So Said The Promised Messiah (as)
Precious Pearls
Haqiqatul-Wahi (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation)
The Miracle of Ahmad
The Conclusive Argument
The Holy War
Hallmarks of the Saints
Testimony of the Holy Quran
The Reality of Khilafah
The Ocean of Light
Pleasant Stories & Anecdotes
Selected Urdu Poems of the Promised Messiah (as)
Selected Arabic Poems of the Promised Messiah (as)
Selected Persian Poems of the Promised Messiah (as)
A Gift for Baghdad
The Revealed Sermon
Favours of the Gracious God
Ahmadis and the Aryas of Qadian
Bounties of the Gracious God
The Sanatan Faith
The Shining Lamp
Guidance for Perceiving Minds
Urdu Works
شانِ خاتم الانبیاء ﷺ
محامد خاتم النبیین ﷺ و نذرانہء دُرود و سلام
تحفہٴ بغداد
کرامات الصادقین
حَمامة البشریٰ
اتمام الحجّة
خطبة اِلہامِیّة
لُجَّةُ النّوْر
اِعجاز المسیح
اَلھُدٰی وَالتَّبْصِرَةُ لِمَنْ یَّریٰ
مواہب الرحمٰن
تذکرة الشہادتین مع علامات المقربین
سیرت الاَبدال
الاستفتاء (ضمیمہ حقیقة الوحی)
ترغیب المؤمنین فی اعلاء کلمة الدین
عربی بول چال
منتخب تحریرات
اللہ تعالیٰ
ہماری تعلیم
فقہ المسیح
فتاویٰ حضرت مسیح موعود علیہ السلام
القصائد الاحمدیہ
القصیدۃ فی مدح خاتم النبیین ﷺ
دُرِّثمین فارسی مُترجم
دُرِّثمین اُردو
دُرّ مکنون
واقعات شیریں
حکایاتِ شیریں
امن کے شہزادہ کا آخری پیغام
حضرت مسیح موعودؑ کی دو اہم تقریریں
فلسطین سے کشمیر تک (ایک عظیم الشان تحقیق)
مسیحی انفاس
درثمین مع فرہنگ
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